Saturday, September 8, 2012

All or Nothing

So, this week has been a strange one...and when I say strange, I mean...STRANGE... phone not working, email not working. You name it. Miscommunications right and left, people showing up early, late, or not at all...*sigh*. One of THOSE weeks. It's one of those weeks where my prayer life has been dramatically increased by 200%. Those of you who are reading are probably laughing hysterically by now, at least some of you are...unless this week has been that way for you. Between planning a major fundraiser for work, balancing home life, and trying to carve out just a little time for myself, between wasted hours waiting for people...who don't "grace-o-meter" is just "plumb tuckered out". Friday, I went into the gym, determined to work hard and fast...I only made it through 2 sets of three exercises before I had to clock in for work, but man have my glutes and lower body been sore today...mission accomplished. The point is when you put your mind and heart into your training, you can make it work, no matter how little time you have, but if you just mindlessly work your way through exercises, it doesn't matter how many you won't feel that "reward" the next day, and by reward, I mean delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). A study by the University of South Carolina Upstate states that when told what muscle to squeeze during an exercise, participants experienced 25%  more muscle gain from their workouts. Amazing! 25%! That's a huge number! The bottom line is it's all or nothing. You can't go through life giving 80%, if that's your philosophy, then you will fail at careers, marriage, parenting, relationships (with God and others), but if you truly commit with your mind, not just going through the motions (no pun intended), then the rewards are endless.
"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" Phil. 4:13

Try this exercise for easing low back pain and strengthening the muscles surrounding (glutes and hamstrings).
Hip lift/Bridge
Lie on your back, palms down and  heels pressing into the floor, close to seat, with feet hip-width apart.
scoop your abs in,and squeezing glutes, lift hips into the air.
Hold for 2 counts then lower, barely touching the floor.
(This exercise also stretches the hip flexors/psoas.)

This blog is no substitute for supervised exercise. Always consult a physician before beginning any physical activity regimen.

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