Friday, January 17, 2014

Fitness Friday: The Truth About Glutes Training.

For those of you who've read my post on Monday, there seems to be a recurring theme this week. Glutes training...yes, I said a dirty We North Americans of the protestant variety have this outlandish ideas that training this group of muscles is taboo...When people ask me what I'm training on a particular day, and I reply "glutes"...there are often snickers, winks, and creepy looks. eewww...The thing is, for women this muscle is sooo important - to metabolism, overall body fat, back pain relief, and so much more. The thing is, this group of muscles is the largest group of muscles in the body. The larger the muscle, the more calories it the math. These muscles are responsible for hip extension and hip rotation. They are very important. Have you ever noticed people who carry all the weight on the front of their body. (i.e., gut). They tend to have a much greater tendency for low back pain, all because they have weak glutes. The muscles in the front of their bodies over compensate for this, and as a result, the whole backside of their posterior chain is weak and prone to injury. Training legs, and glutes 2x a week will help with this. It doesn't have to take hours, it can take minutes of your time. Here's a tough workout, but it will help you get your glutes in shape. Remember my article on supersets, well here's the chance to apply that knowledge! Drink lots of water and eat your veggies and protein, and you'll be on the right track!

Warm-up: Do 20 small plies with heels close together and hips tucked under. This is not a large movement. Bend your knees, maintaining abs and hips, then straighten legs, contracting glutes. 

Side Lunge to Curtsey: Standing with feet together. Step right leg out to one side. Lower, really pushing hips back, then push off right leg to return and curtsey lunge back with your left leg. This one works wonders, in my personal experience, and targets the entire leg area. 
Squats: Use a squat machine, or squat with a resistance band or dumbbells.  Keep your feet wider to engage the glutes. Lower to parallel, then return to standing, squeezing glutes.

Jump Squats: Lower into a 3/4 squats. Lift off explosively, contracting glutes. Land with knees bent. Make it Easier: If you've never performed plyometric movements, substitute this for body weight, full-range squats. 

Hamstring Curl on the Ball: Lie on your back, with feet on an exercise ball. Dig your heels into the ball and curl your legs towards you, contracting your hamstrings and glutes. Slowly curl the ball away from you, maintaining lifted hips. 

Hip Thrust: Yes, I just wrote that on paper... grow up. Sit on the floor with a weight across your hips and shoulders against a bench or chair. Squeeze glutes and lift hips to parallel with floor, pause, then lower, but don't touch the floor. 


  1. Awesome workout! My glutes can always use some work.

  2. I really needed this post. 2014 is supposed to be my year of getting strong and even though I have lots of butt, I have no butt if you know what I mean. Thanks for sharing!

  3. This is so true! Most people I know focus on their arms and abs, and they completely ignore their bottom. What's the point of having great abs in your swimsuit, if you have a saggy bottom? =D It's definitely an area I'm targeting this year.
