Monday, January 6, 2014

Monday Motivation: Stepping Out; Being Brave

The next 21 days are important for Micah and I. We're taking some time to seriously pray about the next steps we're supposed to take in certain areas of our lives. He's just finished school, and needs a job, so we're praying that the right doors are opened up for him, and about my return to school. I start filling out applications in the next few days, and I'm excited, yet nervous. Nutrition is no easy peasy degree, and after that, I want to go to grad school. I've also been praying about singing classically on a pro level again, which thrills and terrifies me at the same time! These are just a few of the decisions we are going to be making personally during this next year. This isn't about a wish list. It's about the desires God's put in my heart, and the desire to be brave enough to step out in faith. Ooooh that's a tough one for me. I like my comfort zone. But I know the more I push, the more He's going to pull me out of that zone. Faith is an action, not a feeling! I pray with expectation, knowing that sometimes, God doesn't need to change my surroundings, He needs to change me. What do you need to step out in faith on? It could be relationships, finances, health, or whatever. Start preparing yourself by developing an "attitude of gratitude". Flexibility in situations is something that I need to work on. So, I'm taking steps to learn to control how stressed I become when these situations arise.This is a great quote by Jim Elliot.If you've never read Through the Gates of Splendor you should. There is an incredible story behind this man's family and the lives they changed for God forever.

See you soon!


  1. I have read "Through the Gates of Splendor." I've also heard Elisabeth Elliot speak at a seminar. You're right; it's an incredible story. :)

  2. I'm sure your faith will bring you both the answers and direction you need! I hope he's able to find a job soon! Good luck to you both!

  3. Fantastic quote & a Wonderful post!! I found you on the "UNITE Bloggersphere" blog hop.
    PS – I would also like to invite you to a blog hop called: “The Great Blog Train” currently live on my blog –there’s a Giveaway and new this month – visit our Dining Car! Thank you! Great Blog Train
