Thursday, April 25, 2013

Allergies, Pollen, and Hayfever, OH MY!

Tis the sneeze.
News stations have been reporting that we have had the highest pollen count in 20 years...and my ears, nose, and throat said, "Amen"! This has been a rough allergy season for me, but the past few days, they seem much better, and my migraines have ceased for the moment. I don't even have to take medicine but once every 3 or 4 days, as opposed to every 3-4 hours. "What has brought about this turnaround?", you might ask. Well, allow me to share with you what has worked for me, so that you may try it yourself. Of course, with a doctor's supervision.

No wheat, or dairy, except for yogurt, and pepper jack cheese(because of the capsaicin, which clears sinuses). Although recently stated by prominent members of the medical community to be an old wive's tail, this always reduces my symptoms. If I'm having too much drainage. I know immediately to not cheat on my gluten-free diet, and eliminate dairy as well. After a few days, my sneezing reduces.

Black Cumin Seed Oil. A natural inflammation fighter, this supplement tastes like aftershave going down, but after a week's time, cut my use of claritin in half. My headaches are almost non-existent now.

Leave your shoes at the door. Not tracking pollen all over my house has kept my symptoms to a minimum. We leave our seasonal shoes in a basket by the door.

Vacuum, often.

Wash your hair and face, daily. Pollen gets blown into our hair around our face, and for those of us with longer hair, causes the little pests to be in close contact with our eyes and face.

Breathe. Practicing pilates has taught me to breathe more deeply in order to calm my body's response to allergens, not allowing my system to get too hyped up. The unrelieved stress will often trigger a headache or allergy attack for me. Be patient. Take a moment to pray.

I hope this will help ease your seasonal issues. I still have some days that are better than others, but my symptoms have been greatly reduced.

Consider it pure joy when you encounter various trials. James 1:2

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