Wednesday, October 30, 2013

No Cold Shoulders Here!

Shoulders...*sigh*...I must confess, I do NOT like to train my upper body. Even thought I have great back definition, I don't like that it is not comfortable for my wrists to do push-ups. I used to have a cyst there a few years ago, and had to wear long sleeved compression tops so people would stop saying I had a tumor. I was cleared by my Dr. to exercise upper body, but didn't like to. Now I don't mind training shoulders as much, especially when I sneak it in with something else. So here's a fat-blasting shoulder workout! oh, and btw, that cyst is long gone... :)

Shoulder Rotation 3x12

Seal Jack 1minute

Front Raise  3x8 (
use a light weight)

Mt. Climbers 1 minute

Rear  Delt Flye 3x 10 (use a light weight.)

High Knees 1 minute (to make it more lo-impact, do knee lifts.)

Table Top Dips 3x 10

Alternating High Kicks  1 minute

Bent Row 3x12

This workout will give you stronger, better-looking shoulders from every angle, and it's fun. Let me know how it works for you!:-) Strength training your shoulders keeps you injury free, and will help progress other upper body training.You can use weights or a band, just make sure you can feel the resistance! And as always, use proper form, and ask your doctor's permission before beginning any exercise program!

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