Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Strength 101: Frog Crunches

Hi There! So let's talk abs again! With summer on the way, we'd all probably like to make sure that we're making the most of our ab workouts right? So many times we hit the fibers of our upper abs, but neglect the fibers in our lower abs. This is where these frog crunches come in. This move came straight out of 21 Day Fix, and it's simple, but whoa, is it ever effective! You'll want to start out by lying on your back/supine, with your legs extended, toes turned out. Your lower back should not be arching off the floor. Maintain toes turned out, bring your knees toward your chest, and simultaneously crunch up off the floor, bringing head towards knees. Exhale, drawing belly button in as you crunch. Try doing anywhere from 2-3 sets of 15-20 repetitions. Your abs play an important role in protecting your back, ladies, especially after having children. I haven't had children yet, but I've seen many women who don't exercise between pregnancies, and develop major back problems because their core muscles haven't been strengthened. So my point is core training is vital, not just for aesthetics, but for making everyday tasks easier.
How to: Lie on your back. Beginners bring legs straight up to a 90 degree angles, the more advanced may lower their legs closer to the floor. Turn toes out as far as possible, pressing heels together. Place hands behind head and look at your belly button. For those with gentle necks, place a towel behind your head, and hold onto each end. Crunch up, bringing your knees towards you and exhaling. your knees will separate, but your toes must remain turned out. Inhale, extending your legs and lowering your head. Repeat.
This is a great move that will have your abs burning on rep me. What's your favorite ab move? Tell me in the comments! Have a great day and come back on Friday as I dish on food! (Pun intended.) :-)


  1. Frog Crunches are good ones! I love all variations of planks, especially if there is a pushup involved. Visiting from the WOW linkup.

  2. OH I HATE THOSE!! LOL. Just kidding - but seriously those are no joke but you will definitely build and develop those ab muscles. We do it slightly different in boot camp. Place your legs in frog position and then point your arm and fingers together straight up and crunch UP! Do 100 of those. Tell me how it works. Thanks for stopping by this week's #wowlinkup.

  3. I just try these. I like how they work the inner thigh at the same time. Time to add these to my classes. Thanks for stopping by #wowlinkup.

  4. I love the opposite arm and leg raise, one of my favorites, though I sorta just wish my abs would magically appear! Lol I will have to give these a try!!! Stopping by from Link Love on Im Fit Possible!

  5. Frog crunches look fun but difficult may have to try them next month when i start a new 30 day challenge.

  6. I am going to have to give these a try although they look really hard. I have been focusin on my abs at the gym but this looks like it might be a great addition and I can do them at home on the days I am not at the gym! Thanks for sharing on the Four Seasons Blog Hop!
